Intelligent training
for a fulfilled life
Die Art und Weise wie wir uns bewegen ist wichtig für unsere Lebensqualität.
Fit zu sein wünschen sich viele, dabei ist dies ein dehnbarer Begriff. Jeder kann Muskeln antrainieren, die Frage lautet nur: Welche Art von Muskel und wofür?
In jeder Sekunde stehen wir im Dialog mit unserer Umgebung und hinterlassen unsere „Spur“. Das NGM Kampfkunst Training hilft uns durch diese Welt zu schreiten und gleichzeitig eine optimale Resonanz zu erzeugen ohne dabei unsere Ziele aus den Augen zu verlieren. Je freier und ungefilterter wir uns ausdrücken können, körperlich und mental, umso zufriedener gehen wir durch unser Leben. Freiheit im Geist erzeugt Freiheit in der Bewegung… erzeugt Freiheit im Geist.
Your body is an instrument on which the mind plays its melody. The better the instrument is tuned, the more clearly the notes sound.
It's great to see you here
Als Gründer der NGM Methode habe ich in vielen Jahrzehnten Hunderten von Menschen gezeigt, wie sie ihr volles Potenzial durch gezieltes Kampfkunst-Training erreichen.
After decades of training with top experts from all over the world, such as former Bruce Lee students and international health, nutrition and movement experts, my unique training method was developed.
It opens the way to the untapped potential hidden within everyone to realize one's own personal freedom.
Why I love animals?
...because they react naturally and unfiltered.
The authenticity with which we encounter when we meet animals, is direct and original, like the echo of a sound. Especially as martial artists, we desire this quality of unfiltered action. All too often the mind gets in the way when we try to experience the present moment as it is.
I hate Injustice
Nobody likes to be pushed around, but injustices sprout up like weeds. Have you ever wondered why? Injustice is the result of weakness on both fronts. Victims lack the strength to fight back and perpetrators are too weak to rightfully earn what they covet. Instead, they take it by shameful means.
I realized this after experiencing numerous personal struggles with injustice. This cycle stunts our growth, keeping us from reaching our true capabilities. And isn't reaching our full potential the ultimate goal for each of us?
A New Episode every week
Join us each week for new episodes, straightforward interviews, and honest discussions that explore the key elements necessary for reaching your full potential through martial arts training.
You should work with me if:
- You are ready to accomplish your goals in life.
- You are ready to leave old paradigms that no longer serve you.
- You are ready to advance your own development in physical, mental and spiritual terms.
- You believe that there is a powerful mind-body connection.
- You want to take control of your life.
- You experience a feeling of fulfilment through intense practice.